Building One Another

E. Stanley Ott


May 26, 2015

Dear Friend,

One of the simple joys of spring for me happens as I enjoy watching the growth of the tadpoles in a pool of water in a nearby park. 

When our son was around ten years old, we were bicycling near a construction site and noticed a large pool of water where some dirt had been excavated and there we found a billion tadpoles. 

We rushed home, found an empty coffee can, and returned to scoop up fifty of them. We put them in a clean kitty litter pan with two inches of water and fed them fish food – what else would we feed them we wondered – and they swam happily around for two months. 

We decided to bike back to the outdoor pool only to discover the tadpoles were gone but around the water’s edge were a billion tiny frogs. Now we really wondered what do tadpoles eat? 

Turns out they adore lettuce, preferably boiled for a few minutes or frozen to break down the cellular structure and before you know it, little frogs are hopping around. 

The spiritual life is much the same. We can subsist on a variety of books and videos that do provide some substance yet our Lord already has provided the food our souls crave to have.  

“Their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper” Psalm 1:2-3.*           

Joy to you - E. Stanley Ott                                  

Copyright 2015 E. Stanley
*Scripture from the NRSV