Enjoy Life, Enjoy God

Dale Patterson


July 1, 2010

In a culture that nearly worships productivity, it's interesting that the Christian faith speaks to a related issue as well: fruitfulness.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
- John 15:5 TNIV
"Fruitful" or a life that bears much fruit. I don't think Jesus had much concern with one's annual performance review for corporate America. He's talking about something light years more important, even eternity: a fruitful life. As he continues his teaching about a Christ-follower staying connected to the vine, a rich metaphor, he says, "If you want to live a life that bears fruit, it simply will not happen unless you stay well-connected with me (Jesus Christ)."
I suspect our lives get in the way of this truth. We think we don't have time to stay connected, to do the things that keep us growing, well-grafted into our commitment to Christ. Yet Jesus tells us here explicitly: to stay in the vine, this is a fruitful life.

Dale Patterson