Building One Another

E. Stanley Ott

FRIENDS Vol 12 No 8

March 12, 2013

Dear Friend,

Last week I received two email messages from friends who are each ninety-six years old.  I enjoy texting with friends who are in their thirties. That got me to thinking! How many people do I know who are at least twenty-five years older than I am? How many people do I know who are at least twenty-five years younger than I am?

Typically we hang out with people near our own ages.

 Perhaps that’s a carryover from our years in school where most of our friends were classmates and our own age. Perhaps it's because we are going through similar life situations with kids in school or empty nesters or in the middle of our work life or perhaps in our retirement years and so on.

 I certainly affirm having friends who are our own ages and with whom we share much in common. At the same time I have been immeasurably encouraged by friendships that cross the generations. Those older than us offer their wisdom, spirit, and love and those younger offer their wisdom, spirit, and love.

Ask yourself if you are in groups and activities that will allow you to meet and to grow real friendships with people across the spectrum of age and if not what are you going to do about it?

One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. Ps. 145:4* 

Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold  (The Girl Scouts). 

With joy - E. Stanley Ott
Copyright 2013 E. Stanley Ott
*Scripture from the NRSV